
01 January, 2012

Things in 2012

I liked the posts on 2010 and 2011, so I'm continuing with one in 2012, with some changes:
  • posting it now instead of at the end of the year. Sometime in 2011 the post got corrupted and I had to rebuild it from memory.
  • augmenting the post with pictures


 SMRT CEO Saw Phaik Hwa resigns

DBS ATMs are hit by unauthorised withdrawals

Wikipedia, Google and several websites are "blacked out" in protest against SOPA. Wikipedia uses Javascript to cover their website with this image for 24 hours.

Hougang MP Yaw Shin Leong resigns suddenly and without giving a reason.


NUS student group Campus Crusade for Christ's posters draw outrage

Aung San Suu Kyi runs in Myanmar's by-elections and wins a seat in Parliament

North Korea plans to test a rocket, making surrounding nations nervous.
North Korean rocket test ends in failure.

Possibly related to the prostitution ring article above.

Chinese citizen driving Ferrari beats red light and crashes into taxi, killing himself, the taxi driver and the taxi passenger.

Hougang holds by-election as a result of MP resigning above

Several incidents of cannibalism, the most famous being a homeless man from Miami eating the face of another homeless man before being shot dead by police. Drugs suspected. Concerns of zombie apocalypse raised.

5 members of City Harvest Church, including founding pastor Kong Hee, are arrested on the suspicion of using $23 million from the church building fund to support the music career of Ho Yeow Sun, Kong Hee's wife.

Scaffolding collapses during construction of Downtown Line, killing 2 workers.

Gunman opens fire during midnight screening of Batman The Dark Knight Rises in Colorado, injuring 70+ people.

Transit of Venus

Mars rover Curiosity lands successfully using a complicated, new sky crane system.

Lance Armstrong does not fight drug doping charges and loses his titles (including Tour de France, I think?)

London Olympics.

Protests in China over China and Japan both staking claims to islands.

Protests in Muslim countries over American anti-Islam film, US ambassador to Libya killed.

Ng Boon Gay trial, with very contradictory testimonies by Cecilia Sue.

US election, Obama wins a second term.

Strike by SMRT bus drivers from China.

Australian radio show prank calls hospital where Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (Prince William's wife) was staying for morning sickness, which may have contributed to the apparent suicide of a nurse.

Gunman opens fire in an elementary school in Connecticut, killing 20 children and 6 adults.

Around the same time, there was a similar attack in China; a man armed with a knife attacks a primary school, but there are no deaths.

Woman is gang raped in New Delhi and sent overseas for treatment, but dies of her injuries.

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