
05 November, 2018

Glass Screen Protectors and Planned Obsolescence

Glass screen protectors are the textbook example of planned obsolescence. When you got a plastic screen protector, how often did you have to change it? Sure, they got scratched up, but they easily last the life of the device. You'd be lucky to have a glass screen protector last a month. This was at 11 days:
And they're so much more expensive than plastic - at least 2x, up to TEN TIMES the price. So let's see: costs A LOT more, has to be changed monthly if you're lucky, it's no wonder shops have conveniently stopped selling plastic screen protectors. Wonderful business for them.

"Oh but they sacrifice themselves to protect your screen" that's what all the advertising says - utter drivel. Ask people how they broke their screen protector. Most people don't even know WHEN they broke it. It wasn't during a major fall - they break in such inconsequential, day-to-day use that they offer no protection when it's really necessary. This broke in a 50 cm fall onto concrete, something that would have caused 0 damage to a naked phone.

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