
08 January, 2015

Things In 2015

Islamic gunmen attack office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12. They escape and take a hostage in a printing complex. Separately, another gunman kills a policewoman and takes hostages in a supermarket. Eventually, all gunmen are killed.
Mr Ello Ed Mundsel Bello, a nurse at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, insults Singaporeans, claims his Facebook account was hacked, fired. So basically Anton Casey again.
Dead rat and rat droppings found in 5 food outlets in Marina Square
Korean boy band B1A4 accused of hugging 2 girls during their concert in Malaysia, then the girls are threatened with arrest after finding out they did it willingly
Husband and wife dead, maid injured after domestic row

UMNO minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob asks Malay consumers to boycott Chinese businesses. It goes down about how you'd expect.
3 people arrested for disorderly behaviour during Thaipusam
TransAsia Airways flight GE235 crashes into a river shortly after takeoff on 4 February
Debate erupts over the colour of this dress. Not big news, but it's a good time to think about colour perception. From someone who bought a spectroscope.

Family attacked in their home in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Father and son tie up the attacker, who dies. Initially said father and son might be charged with murder, then reduced.
Lots of MRT breakdowns
Death of Lee Kwan Yew. A week of national mourning for Singapore. Queue to pay final respects reaches 10 hours despite being open 24 hours.
Germanwings flight 9525 crashes in the French Alps, killing all 150 on board. Copilot is suspected of deliberately locking the pilot out of the cockpit and crashing the plane.
Jeremy Clarkson fired from Top Gear for punching a producer (their word: "fracas")

South Carolina police officer Michael Slager shoots 50-year-old unarmed Walter Scott 8 times in the back and kills him as he runs away. Officer charged with murder.
Movie (company?) Dallas Buyers Club forces Singaporean ISPs to release information about people who downloaded the movie.
South Korean police use force against people who want to remember the ferry disaster last year.
 Riots in Baltimore

Same-sex marriage legalised throughout the U.S.
Coloured powder, similar to that used for the "Color Run", catches fire when used in a water park in Taiwan. Almost 500 people injured, with 5 deaths.

Huge disruption in Singapore MRT's North-South and East-West lines. Said to be biggest ever, lasting 3.5 hours and affecting 250,000

Huge explosion in Tianjin's port
Terrorist attack near Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, Thailand
5 men subdue a gunman on a high-speed train from Amsterdam to Paris, preventing a massacare
Virginia TV reporters killed on live TV by ex-colleague

Not sure of the dates of the following but they happened around this time:
Walter Palmer, dentist, paid/was tricked into hunting Cecil The Lion, widely condemned online, forced to close clinic and go into hiding. His history makes this look more like a deliberate act that he knew about.
1MDB scandal in Malaysia
China devalues Yuan
Series of serious (1 fatal) escalator accidents in China
BreadTalk caught labeling Yeo's soya milk as "freshly prepared". They say the bottles were for freshly prepared juice, but it's very suspicious that they conveniently used them to marketing advantage. This comes after they tried to sell a "Lee bu kai ni" bun after Lee Kwan Yew's death.

Elections in Singapore
Haze returns
Ello Bello (see January) sentenced to 4 months jail
American Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed gets arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school. Alright this story is a mess and everyone has a different story. Looks like he opened a commercially made alarm clock, put the insides in a case and brought that to school. He showed it to at least 2 teachers, one of which panicked when the alarm went off and called the police. Teen gets arrested, of course the public is outraged, companies give him gifts, he gets invited to the White House. This is a huge issue due to the racial and religious undertones. Someone made a good point that they did it to humiliate him, not that they really thought he had a bomb, because they didn't evacuate or call a bomb squad.

City Harvest Church trial: all 6 accused, including founder Kong Hee, found guilty of all charges

Terrorist attacks in Paris kill 130


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